Friday, April 6, 2012

Another Blog. Who am I to think my ideas are so profound?

I read blogs all the time.  I appreciate the literary artistry among the common individuals on the web.  I am amazed at their photography skills with their DSLR cameras.  I enjoy the tips I have found to make my house run more efficiently.  I LOVE the DIY blogs giving me step-by-step instructions to do things I never thought I could. 

I have never considered making my own.  I have a few reasons for this. First being that I am not a writer.  I am a "math" person.  While I appreciate good writing, I do not presume to posses any such skills myself.  Second, I always forget to take "before" pictures of my projects.  I would never remember, then, to take pictures throughout the process. That leads to my third reason.  I am slightly ashamed of my old point and click camera and the quality of my pictures.  Lastly (and most important), I never thought I had something to share worthy of cluttering an already overloaded web.

Why this blog, then?  If anyone becomes a follower of my blog, I must tell you up front that all my grand ideas, inspiration, and whispers from God occur in my shower.  Very odd place, but I understand why.  I am ashamed to admit that it's the only time I am mostly alone (aside from my two-year-old checking in on occasion).  I am not able to be alone regularly without distractions.  I know I should work on carving out a "quiet time," but I haven't gotten there yet.  I guess I just need to rethink and more appreciate the gift of a shower.

And I digressed. Another reason why I avoided blogging.  I am a rambler.

This year I realized that I have information that can help many people.  I hesitate to say that as I thoroughly dislike it when someone assumes they have information that I need to hear.  It is quite arrogant.  I now must risk sounding arrogant.  If I explain how I became enlightened on the subject, maybe I can sound less awesome.  I would like to glorify something/someone else other than me.  I found this information in my weakest most pathetic shameful period in life.  That period lasted just over ten years.  Almost a third of my life.

I struggled with bulimia for over ten years.  I did not dabble.  I was a slave to it. I cannot imagine being more fervent in my participant of the addiction.  It comsumed my every thought, desire and activity.

It has been FOUR years from my last episode.  Four years from the last time that I had to lie, hide, or admit my horrific behavior.  Somewhere in between, I gained insight and wisdom on the subject of Bulimia.  I would have much rather read a book, talked to someone else, or "hear" it in my shower. No such luck.  I guess I like to learn from experience.

I am by no means an expert.  Everyone has unique circumstances and experiences different from my own.  However, I have had counselors eagerly ask me what my secret to healing was.  I haven't been able to answer that in a single sentence.  I thought I would write a book at one time.  It occured to me that in the many many years it would take me to write that book, I could have been helping people in the present time.  That is where the blog idea showed up.  Actually, my husband suggested it to me months ago, but I guess he should have told me while I was in the shower, because it went right over my head. 

My goal, mission, and hope for this blog is to help ONE person who is in the pit of Bulimia hell.  I want it to inspire hope.  i want to be a non-judgemental partner for them.  I want to celebrate their successes with them.  I want to give practical tips.  I want them to safely bring their "darkness to light."